Departmental Activities of Botany:
During the Academic Year 2017-18, 10 Students of B. Sc. III (Botany) was completed Project- on ‘Dye Yielding Plant’ under the Guidance of Mr. Sanket S. Patil. In this project fruits, flowers, seeds, roots, leaves, rhizome of 17 plants i.e. Phyllanthus emblica, Vinca rosea, Erythrina variegate, Bixa olrena, Tagetus indicus, Butea monosperma, Bombax caeba, Beta vulgaris, Azadirchta indiaca, Aegle mermols, Rosa indica, Murraya koenigii, Spinacia oleraceae, Mentha spicata sub sp. spicata, Curcuma longa, Citrus ×sinensis, Punica granatum were selected for preparation of Natural Dyes. Project is appreciated by HOD and Principal of College. This project is completed in February 2018. White, Blue, Orange, Yellow, Pink, Green, Red coloured dyes are obtained. These natural dyes were used by students in Holi festival instead of synthetic dyes.
On December 28 we visited Flower Exhibition organized by Kolhapur Municipal Corporation at Police Ground Kolhapur. All Students of B. Sc.III, Prof. J. V. Sartape and Prof. Sanket patil ware visited the flower exhibition. We Study many ornamental plants, flowering plants and Foliage Plants in the exhibition. we also visited Town hall garden Kolhapur and Lead Botanical Garden Shivaji Univeristy Kolhapur for studying different plants.
Students of B. Sc. II and III are Actively Participated in Project on Plant disease and their management. Students collected 12 different diseases on crop plant like head smut of Jowar, White rust of Crucifer, Bean rust, Leaf curl of tomato, White rust of Amranthus, Sooty mould of mango, Red rust of Jowar, Powdery Mildew of Cucurbit, Leaf spot of Turmeric caused by Fungi, Bacteria and virus. Student also gives information about how to control the diseases. Project is appreciated by HOD and Principal.
Students of B. Sc. II and III are Actively Participated in Poster presentation on Medicinal plants. Students collected information of many medicinal plants, their used and presented on poster. The poster is inaugurated by Dr. Sadle sir from Ajara College Ajara and Dr. Anjali Patil Madam R. B. Madkholkar College, Chandgad.
Students of B. Sc. III and teaching, non-teaching staff of our institute made a plant for conservation of all types of plants in shade net. Seeds were collected from different areas and seedlings was developed and distributed to society. In total 75 species plants is conserved in shade net.
Our Department is going to arrange, Botaical Study Tour at Amboli and its vicinity area. Total110 Students and 6 staff of botany are attended this study tour. In this study tour we visit area like Pine forest of Deverde, Kavlesaad vally, Hiranykesh ugam and Amboli waterfall. In this study tour our students observe many wild plant in their natural habitat and also study what is diffrent tecquenic of identify the plants in nature. Nature is very beautiful.
Our Department of Botany going to organise one day Workshop upon 'Exhibition of Wild Vegetales' on the occesion of 'Wild life Week'.
Mein aim of this activity is to awaire the peoples of society to consume some healthy, natural, pesticideless, wild vegetales of our vicinity for betterment of helath. This vegetables increse the immune power of human being. Each and every wild vegetables have some medicinal poperty. Therefore regulary consuming this vegetables makes us happy and fit.
There are total 28 diffrent wild vegetables are arranged in this exhibiton. which includes Colocesia, Achryanthus, Oxaslis, Ficus recemosus, Hygrophilla, Solanum nigrumn, Cassia quadrangularis, Amaranthus spinosus, Celosia, Portulaca, Senna, Amarphophalous peonifolious, Leea macrophyla, Bamboo, Dioscoria, Asparagus, Moringa etc. All this vegetables are collected from diffrent localities of western ghat.
On December 28 we visited Flower Exhibition organized by Kolhapur Municipal Corporation at Police Ground Kolhapur. All Students of B. Sc.III, Prof. J. V. Sartape and Prof. Sanket patil ware visited the flower exhibition. We Study many ornamental plants, flowering plants and Foliage Plants in the exhibition. we also visited Town hall garden Kolhapur and Lead Botanical Garden Shivaji Univeristy Kolhapur for studying different plants.
Our Department is going to arrange, Botaical Study Tour at Tilarinagar , Pargad. Total 101 Students and 6 staff of botany are attended this study tour. In this study tour we visit Pargad Fort, Tilari Forest area, Swapnvel point, Sunset point. In this study tour our students observe many wild plant in their natural habitat and also study what is diffrent tecquenic of identify the plants in nature. Nature is very cool and beautiful
Our Department is going to arranged, Botaical Study Tour at Kalammawadi, Radhangari Forest area. Total 82 Students and 8 staff of botany are attended this study tour. In this study tour we visit area Kalammawadi forest, Kalammawadi dam, Radhanagari forest, Laxmi dam, Dajipur forest. In this study tour our students observe many wild plant in their natural habitat and also study what is diffrent tecquenic of identify the plants in nature. Nature is very beautiful